Training awareness day for local authority personnel |
A training day focusing on raising awareness of potential dangers within quarries was organised and presented at Needingworth Quarry to 18 site inspectors and office staff from Cambridgeshire County Council.
The session was arranged at the request of the council’s Minerals and Waste Planning Manager with the objective of training the attendees on how to remain safe whilst carrying out planning condition audits within quarries. The awareness day was organised to focus on the obvious dangers such as lagoons, silting ponds and issues with and around stockpiles. It was also designed to show the hidden and less obvious dangers which included, supervision, risk assessment, safe working practice, emergency response details and slips, trips and falls.
The training session was very successful and feedback from the county and all the attendees was very positive with praise for the site tour and the professional quality of the presentations.
County council planning auditors now have a better understanding of the quarry regulations and are more aware and informed of the possible dangers (both the more obvious risks and some that may be hidden from sight) that they may come across whilst on site.