Title/Short Description | Source | Subject | Date | |
MPA Health and Safety Awards - Special bulletin
Please find attached a special MPA Health and Safety Bulletin that is a celebration of the recent MPA Health and Safety Awards 2024.
The bulletin includes direct links to the videos of the winning entries, tabulated to assist in reviewing.
It may be that one or more of these videos could provide a useful way of introducing a discussion around a particular activity or hazard as part of a safety discussion /toolbox talk you might be planning in the New Year.
The real benefit from the MPA Health and Safety Awards is achieved by ensuring that the ideas and innovations featured are shared as widely as possible across the mineral products industry. By learning about both the good practices and incidents / HiPos experienced by others we can adapt are own operations to make them safer for all, we are all Safer by Sharing.
Please take the opportunity to review this bulletin and share it with others as appropriate.
| MPA | All Subjects | 30/12/2024 | |
HSE issues LPG Forklift Fires Briefing Report
LPG Forklift Fires Briefing Report
A report of the findings of an HSE investigation into a series of LPG forklift truck fires that occurred in GB in 2022-4.
Follow link to report - HSE Briefing
Contaminated LPG from one refinery has been gumming up the vaporiser units on fork lift trucks. If the operator continues to turn the engine in an attempt to start it, there is a build-up of unburnt fuel which could eventually cause a fire/explosion.
| HSE | Plant – fixed and mobile | 30/12/2024 | |
Product Safety Alert - Italmecc Air Box 2100 Water Backed Booth
Italmecc Air Box 2100 Water Backed Booth LEV System. Product Safety Report:
Follow link to notice - Italmecc Air Box 2100 (2412-0024) - GOV.UK
Below is a summary but please see the notice for full details -
The product presents a high risk to health as it is not supplied with adequate instructions for installation, specifically, the requirement for ducting extracted air to outside. This is of particular concern when used to control dust generated by processing materials containing respirable crystalline silica (RCS).
Corrective action:
Italmecc S.R.L. have stopped supply in GB until the machine instructions are updated and brought into compliance. Users of these machines should ensure that they are ducted to outside when used to control exposure to substances hazardous to health, or use other equally effective measures.
| | | 30/12/2024 | |
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs)
Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) – Action Required to meet 31st December 2025 Deadline
You can find more information by visiting the Guidance published by the Environment Agency and last updated in December 2022 – PCBs registration, disposal, labelling
The pdf, which can be downloaded by clicking on the title at the start of this Hot Topic, is an example of one company's briefing on its approach to the review and disposal of equipment containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs).
It provides background information on PCBs, identifies the type of electrical equipment where they are likely to be present and outlines an action plan and internal process to meet the deadline of 31st December 2025 for their disposal.
| MPA | Electrical equipment | 12/12/2024 | |
TRANSPORT - Fatal 2,5 and 6 - Preventing runaways - 'Safe Stop'
'Safe Stop'
Six separate ‘runaway incidents’ in 2024 highlight the importance of drivers ensuring that they follow “Safe Stop” procedures to prevent fatalities, serious injury and damage to property.
Tragically, one of these incidents did result in a fatality, any of the other incidents had the potential to have a similar outcome.
MPA urges members to ensure 'Safe Stop' procedures are in place for all employee and contract drivers, appropriate checks and training is in place. See pdf for more information
| MPA | Transport | 29/08/2024 | |
''Sleeptember’ – charity raises awareness of importance of sleep for employees’ wellbeing, health and safety.
The Sleep Charity is focusing on workplace sleep with its #SleepforSafety campaign and relaunch of its Sleep Charter.
A report highlights following key statistics;
- 9 in 10 cite that they currently have problems sleeping
- Sleep deprivation costs the economy £40bn a year and over 200,000 working days lost
- Almost 60% have experienced their attention span being negatively affected by a bad night’s sleep more than once
- One in six crashes resulting in death and injury on motorways and A roads are fatigue related
- The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) reports that fatigue contributes to around 20% of accidents in the workplace
The charity has produced a resource pack for organisations wishing to raise awareness of the importance of sleep, this includes a range of free resources and outlines initiatives that can be taken by organisations to promote good sleep. DOWNLOAD SUPPORT PACK
The charities vision to raise the profile of sleep as a major factor for health and wellbeing and to ensure that sleep becomes a key issue on the Public Health Agenda. If you’re a business or organisation please consider pledging your support to the Charter for Sleep Equality
| MPA | Occupational Health | 27/08/2024 | |
World Drowning Prevention Day
Please support World Drowning Prevention Day by sharing some life saving water safety messages with colleagues, friends and family. It is important that everyone understands what to do if they see someone in trouble in water or if you find yourself in trouble.
More accidental drownings occur at inland waters such as canals, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and other water filled voids like disused quarries than at the coast. Often people who drown never intended to be in the water but have fallen in whilst engaged in activities close to the waters edge.
Key drowning statistics across the UK and communities:
- Males continue to over represent, with 83% of accidental fatalities.
- Everyday activities, such as walking and running, accounted for 48% of accidental fatalities.
- 63% of accidental fatalities happened at inland waters.
- Recreational activities accounted for 44% of accidental fatalities.
If you see someone in trouble in water 'Call, Tell, Throw'
- The water is a lovely place to spend time, but we all need to know how to stay safe. Know what to do in an emergency - #CallTellThrow https://respectthewater.com/
If you are in trouble in water ' Float to Live'
- #FLOATTOLIVE: Research by @RNLI highlighted that 36% of people did not know what to do if they were in trouble in water. Please help raise awareness of this life saving technique 'Float to Live' by sharing it with others. Visit https://rnli.org/safety/float Video: @RNLI
| MPA | Public safety | 24/07/2024 | |
MPA urges operators to check walkways and platforms following a fatality at a non-UK site
Based upon feedback shared by several MPA members, including information about a very serious accident overseas which sadly resulted in a fatality, MPA would like to draw to the attention of members to a potential issue with elevated walkways and platforms. (See more details in Safequarry Incident Alert)
Anecdotally, MPA has been informed of other similar incidents that have had serious potential and have resulted in relatively minor injuries, but could easily have resulted in a serious injury or death. (Corrosion can also affect structural integrity and corrosion can be hidden by spillage, for example).
As a matter of urgency, MPA members are advised to routinely inspect and report on the condition of elevated walkways and platforms to ensure that these potentially unsafe conditions do not exist within their own operations. MPA members are also encouraged to notify MPA of any adverse findings that may help others and keep this as a live issue and prevent further incidents.
We are grateful to members who have drawn these issues to our attention in the spirit of Safer By Sharing. Incident alerts and High Potential Incidents can be notified to MPA
By E mail to;
Or directly via Safequarry https://www.safequarry.com/home/incident-alerts.aspx
We are all Safer By Sharing
| MPA | Maintenance | 01/07/2024 | |
Training video on the safe use of black powder in quarries.
Burlington Stone have produced a training video for their operatives on the safe use of black powder in quarries. The video was produced following a consultation with HSE on their training.
The 17 minute video shows the different factors considered whilst drilling holes in the slate blocks and how the blasts are prepared.
View video
| Burlington Stone | Drilling and Blasting | 09/05/2024 | |
MPA Health and Safety Awards 2024 Deadlines Extended
In response to member requests, we have extended the deadlines for entries to the MPA Health and Safety Awards as below.
- Deadline for entries in 8 Topics – 12 noon Tuesday 7th May 2024.
(This is an absolute deadline and only in exceptional circumstances will anything after this time be accepted. If you can submit entries by 30th April it would be much appreciated)
- Deadline for entries for Individual Recognition and Young Leader Award –
12 noon Monday 3rd June 2024.
- The deadline for Sir Frank Davies and John Crabbe Trophy –
Monday 9th September 2024 remains unchanged.
Watch this video to find out why you should enter and please share it with others in your company
| MPA | | 25/04/2024 | |
MPA Health and Safety Awards 2024 - 30th April Deadline Approaching Fast - Enter Now
Watch this video to find out why you should ENTER NOW and please share it with others in your company.
Find out how those who entered last year have benefited here.
The simple to complete entry forms and briefing notes can be downloaded from the Safequarry website. The deadline for all entries is 30th April 2024, with the exception of entries for the John Crabbe Trophy and Sir Frank Davies Award (which are open to MPA members only), which is 9th September 2024.
| MPA | All Subjects | 11/04/2024 | |
Public safety warning for operators of both active and disused quarries prior to Easter Holidays
As we approach the Easter break and school holidays, MPA is requesting members to be extra vigilant and for quarry operators to review their public safety risk assessments and any site-specific, mitigation measures such as fencing and warning signs.
With the unusually wet weather experienced across the UK, water levels are higher than normal, currents stronger in waterways, most inland water bodies are still very cold, paths and banks are muddy and unstable, making slips and falls by pedestrians more likely. These conditions increase the potential for members of the public entering quarries to put themselves at risk of falling over faces or into water.
Click on title for more information and links to resources
| MPA | Public safety | 27/03/2024 | |