Cleaning asphalt burners in a confined space |
The Parker asphalt plant at Stoneycombe Quarry is nearly 40 years old. It consists of a fixed Stordy burner inside a 5 metre x 2 metre dryer drum.
The plant burns both reclaimed fuel oils and gas oil and, as a result, there is a regular build up of slag inside the burner cowling. If the slag is not removed regularly, it will gradually deflect the burner flame and cause irreparable damage to the burner chamber.
The only means of cleaning was to gain entry through the dryer drum. In this confined space the operator was working in poor light and was at a high risk of injury from slipping or tripping.
After discussion with the plant operator and the maintenance team, it was suggested that if the burner chamber could be moved away from the dryer drum, cleaning of the burner chamber could be carried out from outside the dryer, avoiding the need to work in a confined space.
A frame was constructed below the burner to support it in its normal operational position and to allow the whole burner assembly and controls to be slid back.
The new arrangement allows the assembly to be pulled in and out of position using a single pull-lift and creates one metre of clearance from the dryer. This operation is carried out at ground level, allowing it to be completed single handedly and in just a few minutes. |
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Burner in operation
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Burner withdrawn for maintenance