Vision Zero
Vision Zero is built around eliminating the causes of ‘The Fatal 6’. These are the high consequence hazards that analysis has shown are responsible for the majority of the fatalities, serious injuries and long term ill health in the industry. The strategy is to focus on these hazards in the work environment and, through a wide range of measures, achieve zero serious incidents or fatalities associated with ‘The Fatal 6’ by 2025.
Please watch the short video that summarises the key elements of Vision Zero.
Vision Zero combines 4 key elements that will help the industry to achieve its goal of ensuring that 'everyone goes home safe and well everyday'
- 6 key values to embrace that will help change behaviour
- 6 the high consequence hazards most likely to kill, seriously injure or impact the long term health of the workforce in the Mineral products industry - 'The Fatal 6'
- 6 strategies that MPA will employ to support members
- Leading and lagging indicators that will help the industry to progress
MPA has produced a range of resources to support members in their internal promotion of Vision Zero.
Vision Zero will only be successful if everyone within an organisation understands and is committed to its values and goals. Please review the resources and share with your colleagues.
An Employee Guide to Vision Zero and an A6 Pocket Reference Card. Copies of both these resources can be ordered from
To view and download a digital version of the Employee Guide click here
Please view the videos about Vision Zero by following the links below.
'Focus on Vision Zero' - Summary of key elements of VZ - circa 3 minutes click here
'Vision Zero unpacked' - Chris Leese explains VZ - 12.5 minutes click here
Vision Zero views from the quarry face and shop floor - circa 3 minutes click here
Vision Zero video of the full launch conference - 1 hour & 9 minutes click here
3 PowerPoints have been produced which include notes for a presenter. The PowerPoints can be adapted or company branding added if required by the presenter. They can be used as part of a toolbox talk, management update or in other forms of briefing. The notes accompanying the slides are to help the presenter generate audience interaction and question how Vision Zero could be applied to the audience's work environment.
PowerPoint providing a Summary of Vision Zero click here
PowerPoint on the Core Values in Vision Zero click here
PowerPoint on 'The Fatal 6' in Vision Zero click here