Slurry pumps are large and notoriously difficult to maintain and repair. It is a task that usually requires more than one person and the use of lifting aids. The operators involved are exposed to several risks.
At CEMEX’s Angerstein Wharf, the mains water pump used to take one day to strip, replace and rebuild. The process involved the high risk manual handling of heavy pump casing and pipework. It required a full day’s downtime.
One of CEMEX’s priorities is to minimise the potential for musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) from hazardous manual handling, a safer and more effective way of undertaking this task was therefore required.
The introduction of a 'SlurryPro Sliding Base' in conjunction with their Warman 6x4 slurry pump has significantly reduced this risk. The bespoke design is the work of Atlantic Pumps following discussions with CEMEX and other colleagues. The new design means that the suction pipe no longer needs to be removed and replaced and the pump casings stay connected to the frame. Access to the wearing parts of the pump is achieved by unbolting four casing bolts and sliding the wet end and motor apart.
- Elimination of a high risk manual handling task
- Reduced risk of hand injuries and MSD injuries
- Reduced downtime by 50%
- Increased production (additional £30,000 of product).