Isolation surveys at Holmescales Quarry highlighted concerns about the battery isolators that were fitted to mobile crushing and screening plant. These types of isolator are commonly used throughout the industry and are fitted to hundreds of this type of machine.
The manufacturers’ fitting instructions recommend that when fitting the lockout lever kit you must use a 5/16 or 8mm diameter shackle lock. Unfortunately, this recommendation is part of the packaging and can be easily lost; it may not be communicated to the operator locking off machines, or not provided when a machine is on hire.
When carrying out the survey it was highlighted that all of the Holmescales staff and the majority of Aggregate Industries’ sites have been issued with smaller diameter ie: 6mm brass shackle locks, causing the concern to be raised.
When applying a smaller diameter padlock or hasp it was found that the isolation switch could be energised. It only required a minimum amount of travel along the shackle to energise power to the starter.
It was decided that an engineering solution would be used to overcome the problem rather than replacing all battery isolators with a different design, or replacing padlocks and hasps which fit other types of isolator. A simple lockout safety pin was designed, fixed and located next to the isolator with a multi-purpose function that would allow more than one person to lock off the machine without the use of a multi hasp.
The pin is fixed in a permanent location. Once installed, there is no travel on the lockout device ensuring complete confidence that the isolator could not be switched on. The safety pin, including chain and split rings, has been ISO certified.
1.Compliance with companies isolation lock off procedures
2.Location of the safety pin next to the battery isolator for quick and easy installation
3.No need for staff to carry multi hasps
4. Financial cost saving to the site/company in not having to replace battery isolators or provide multi hasps for battery lock off
5.Operator/maintenance staff are confident that the machine has been correctly locked off.
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With pin can no longer energise light