Truck mixer washout bay improvements |
Two changes have been made at minimal cost to the truck mixer washout system at Swindon Concrete Plant resulting in significant safety and environmental benefits. In the washout bay, a steel plate recessed between two beams previously used to seal the washout pen, has been replaced with a steel door. This has robust hinges at one end and ‘wedge pins at the other. Once the pit is full, the supervisor simply knocks the pins out and swings the door open to enable the waste to be moved with a machine. Because the supervisor no longer has to organise an external waste carrier and can open the door whenever required to rotate waste, there is no longer a requirement for deep run-off bays. The water run-off bay is now at a depth of no more than 12 inches.
• No heavy lifting of a steel plate with associated savings • Operation can be undertaken by one operator • Improved safety by eliminating the need for deep run-off bay • Cost of operation has been reduced with reduction in the use of specialist waste contractors • A cleaner working environment and reduced clearance of waste spillage.