Brief description
Operatives at Hillhouse Quarry in Troon have designed some equipment to assist with the polishing and re-instating of the dryer drum roller path ring. The apparatus enables any blemishes to be removed from the path without exposing the fitters or operatives to any risk whilst the task is being performed. It consists of a table and rods which hold a plate with fine grinding, countersunk blocks. The blocks have been strategically placed to cover the entire width of the path. The blocks are lightly tensioned using the turnbuckle method. The drum operates normally whilst the grinding is taking place with minimal supervision required. The system works with the isolock guarding in place and is clearly visible at all times.
• The ability to produce normally whilst completing an essential maintenance task • Ensuring the roller paths are kept in true running condition extended the ring life • Reduced dryer drum roller path wear • Extended trunion drive roller life • No health and safety risk during this task.
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