Safer through improvements in health and wellbeing |
Topic 7 - Highly Commended
AG understands that being safe, healthy, and happy, in and out of work, makes sense for both the company and employees. This positive and enriching environment is facilitated by enabling employees to flourish and achieve their full potential. AG strive to provide a healthy and safe work environment where staff feel supported and valued by delivering regular toolbox talks, manual handling, mental health first aid training and other various workshops which are implemented to ensure the best practice is carried out.
Our focus on health and wellbeing is perpetuated though the company’s core values which are also epitomised and led by the behaviours and actions of our Board of Directors and management team who believe safety and wellbeing is the most crucial investment we can make.
Improvements had been made for the health and wellbeing of employees by assisting with flexible working from home policies, investments in health screening and our health shield programme which allows employees to receive cash back for a list of health-related practices. Many employee benefits have been implemented within the past 12 months due to the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic with AG committed to supporting and valuing all employees within their working environment.
Please see the additional pdf for more information.
Watch the video about the sponsored activity - great images!