MPA Cement H&S committee shared research throughout Europe that found that increasing use of high-alloy steels in the clinker burning process has led to the formation of chromate on components and coatings in kiln installations.
In certain circumstances chromate can be highly toxic, hazardous to water, and in a small number of cases there have been possible links to cancers. Chromate takes the form of a greenish-yellow-solid however, it can take 1 to 2 days for this colouring to become visible, or it may not be visibly identifiable on account of external influences.
Once alerted to this issue, Breedon engaged with a specialist company, Socotec, to develop a programme to identify and monitor the presence of Chromium VI within the Hope works process. The process began with surface swab testing on internal surfaces during a major shutdown. The company used recognised analytical processes to establish whether there was any Chromium VI present within the plant. This process was then followed up with extensive personal and static dust monitoring to identify the levels of airborne Chromium VI during refractory and mechanical works.
See additional pdf to find out more about Breedon's solution