When the residents of Crosland Moor in Yorkshire expressed concerns over quarry vehicles crossing local roads, Johnsons Wellfield Quarries considered whether they could pass underneath. The condition of the roads, noise, and proximity to pedestrians were just some of the issues raised by local residents.
The haul road between certain quarries has been diverted and a tunnel constructed beneath the road. The construction method employed was a ‘cut and backfill’. The use of proven pre formed steel structure sections, which were assembled on site, provided the tunnel profile. The retaining of the backfilled material was achieved by a combination of steel reinforced concrete and engineered gradients, all faced off with quarried block stone. The end result is that the quarry remains active and competitive, whilst being considerate to local and environmental concerns. A closer relationship has been built with local residents, who have shown genuine interest in the progress of the project. |
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Access road tunnel