Visitors and contractors induction system |
CEMEX policy is that all visitors to operating sites within the company (including contractors and in house CEMEX personnel) should receive a formal induction to site. The system had existed but was adhoc and of varying standards. The new requirement was to remove any ambiguity and to ensure all visiting personnel received critical information about hazards and safety precautions required on site.
It was recognised that the standard of these inductions still varied dependant upon who provided the induction, their experience and their operational strengths. To correct this issue and ensure a high consistent standard of induction was maintained it investigated several methods from a basic checklist to a DVD/video presentation. It was decided to use PowerPoint with the potential to provide the best of both worlds, pictures and diagrams from the DVD format and personal interaction from the checklist field. In doing so it covered the learning potential of most individuals i.e. those who learn best by reading, discussion and visual aids. Two versions were drafted - one for visitors and an extended one for contractors who needed a more detailed induction revolving around the task/s they are undertaking.
The visitors’ version covers:
1.Signing-in requirements, site layout and emergency assembly points
2.Mobile phone and smoking policies
3.Site PPE requirements for the area of visit and identification of first aid staff
4.Traffic and pedestrian routing and danger points (animated for greater effect)
5.Significant hazards that may be met on site during their visit, how they are expected to behave and the care needed in those locations e.g. moving mobile plant and the safe method of approaching
6.Noise and dust zone maps
7.Sign-off sheet to ensure all major points are covered in summary and signed off by the visitor.
In addition the Contractors’ version covers:
9.Permit to work including safe systems of work and a risk assessment for the tasks being undertaking
10.Equipment inspections, COSHH data sheets, lifting plans and exclusion areas
11.Certificates of competency and training and EPIC passport clearance
12.Issue of relevant site rules and isolation procedures
13.Introduction of liaison personnel on site, lines of communication and agreed limits of work and work areas
14.Environmental issues and awareness.
When complete a short test is undertaken by the contractor/s to ensure that key points have been understood and to identify gaps in their knowledge/understanding so that they can be covered again in more detail. To ensure consistency of the induction remains high and all major points are covered, slide notes are provided for the inductor providing a script whilst the visitor/ contractor watches the presentation. It also provides an additional method of induction should the computer system be inoperative for any reason.
The system has been successful since its introduction with several minor modifications and has now been implemented across area 7 in the central region. It has also been recognised as best practice by both National Operations and the H&S Department and is being considered for a national rollout (following modifications to cover hardrock and asphalt locations).
Raised awareness of site-based hazards and expected safe behaviour of visitors and contractors
Consistent health and safety message to visitors and contractors across all sites in area 7
Standard induction content with emphasis of key messages through an approved script irrelevant of the inductor’s background, experience or personal agenda
Ensures all CEMEX procedures and requirements under the Quarries Regs 1999 (and others) are covered for every visit
The unit and system has been recognised as best practice by the operations manager who has extended it to every site in the area. It has also contributed to the site winning the title of “Best Quarry in CEMEX UK” in 2009 and may be utilised nationally as an induction process.