In 2016, AG introduced a company-wide hazard reporting programme ‘Good Catch’ as part of a wider strategic initiative developed at Board level, it aimed to empower staff to take greater responsibility for on-site safety.
This initiative was introduced because it was believed that stronger communication channels were needed between managers and site-workers. AG wanted to create a culture across its six sites where staff felt empowered to highlight and implement changes where safety could be improved, there was scope for a more efficient operation, or a more environmentally friendly alternative could be progressed.
The ‘Good Catch’ scheme was initiated through a roadshow at all AG sites, poster campaigns and ‘toolbox talks’ to explain the benefits.
The health and safety manager worked with the site managers to promote the scheme. The scheme was reinforced with regular e-zine updates that highlighted and recognised safe behaviours. The briefings ensured that all employees were aware of the new scheme and were motivated to get involved from the outset.
‘Good Catch’ boxes and information leaflets were placed at each site and a positive behavioural reward system was established for individuals and teams. Employees would fill out ‘Good Catch’ cards which included both the safety hazard and a suggested innovative solution. The site manager would discuss the issue with the member of staff and importantly, a date would be agreed for the solution to be actioned by, to ensure employees knew that their concerns would be dealt with in a timely manner.
To increase staff recognition, each month safe behaviour recommendations, or ‘Good Catches’ were recognised though vouchers awarded to individuals. At the end of each quarter, fish and chips were offered to the site team who closed out and actioned the most ‘Good Catche's.
All levels of staff got involved in the scheme; maintenance staff, plant operators, mobile plant drivers and office staff were among the many different types of roles where ‘Good Catches’ were identified. The ‘Good Catches’ submitted are discussed at individual site committee meetings to allow for additional ideas and feedback on the close out of the issues. These meeting also allow for sharing them across sites.
The programme successfully met and surpassed key behavioural performance indicators set by the Board to increase the number of hazards reported and decrease the most prominent causes of incidents. There was a dramatic reduction in some incidents due to the implementation of suggested improvements to housekeeping and guarding.
- Slips, trips and falls incidents reduced from 52% to 23% of all incidents in 2018
- Incidents involving moving machinery parts reduced from 25% to 11% of all incidents in 2018
- Greater employee awareness of the dangers in their environment
- Greater individual responsibility for safety
- An 80% increase in hazard reporting
- A safer environment for all