A short video was filmed showing the quarry when performing normal day to day activities. The video was shot from the highest point on the processing plant.
It was then shown at an Area Safety Forum where many in the audience had never visited the site. Attendees were split into groups of four and asked to note down any observations, good practice, potential hazards and to identify practices that could be improved. The groups were given five minutes to discuss their observations and a spokesman for each group was nominated.
The video was then shown again and the nominated spokesman called out STOP when a good practice, questionable activity or behaviour was identified and they explained what the group had identified. Over 20 situations, possible improvements and best practice were identified, discussed and listed.
This approach demonstrates that what becomes normal and routine is not necessarily good practice. The video was also shown to the workforce at the site along with the list of situations observed. As a result of this feedback, a number of improvements were implemented at this site.
SEE aditional pdf for screen shots from video
• Helps the process of reviewing and challenging routine practice • Enhances awareness of staff when reviewing H&S on their own or other sites • Sites filmed are able to implement changes leading to a safer working environment • Good practices observed can be discussed and replicated at other sites • Helps the process of continually improving H&S standards • The process is repeated three times a year using different sites.