Brett’s George Green Quarry became operational in June 2016. It was important that all members of the site team had a good understanding of operational control of the site. The site team had a meeting to discuss what would aid them in monitoring, maintaining and optimising the processes. They designed a system based on five key notice boards and also determined the optimum locations for them. The boards are:
Board one – Active Contractor board
A magnetic white board installed in the main office where all contractors are signed in, inducted and complete relevant paperwork. All the relevant paperwork such as competency certificates, appropriate permissions/permits to proceed with the tasks they are carrying out are attached to the board. On completion of the task, they sign out in the office and the paperwork is removed from the board and filed as appropriate. At a glance, anyone can see the activities being undertaken and which contractors are still on-site.
Board two – Maintenance TCard Board
Any job that is required to be carried out is transferred to the appropriate TCard and these are monitored by the site team. The TCard Board is located in the welfare unit so that any jobs seen during a shift can be written down when that person goes to their break. It would also enables jobs to be discussed prior to the work being done.
Board three – Inspection Calendar
This was devised by the team in order to ensure all inspections required on-site are carried out in a suitable time. This was also located in the welfare unit so it could be checked at the beginning of a shift.
Board four – Process KPI board
This board was devised by the team to allow them to have a better understanding of the plans, capabilities and throughputs. This was located at the entrance to the welfare unit so that anyone who came to site could see that the team were looking at the plant and monitoring it.
Board five – Activity Board
The final board was a company-wide initiative to ensure everyone is made aware of what is happening on-site that day, also located in the welfare unit. It is updated prior to work commencing and added to as necessary.
- Site team all engaged in designing a system that would be efficient for them
- Ensures that all employees have buy-in to the system
- Effective management and control of contractors
- Clarity for site team on what activities were being undertaken on-site
- Facilitates team planning and prioritising activities.