Employees at Ivonbrook Quarry have produced a DVD to help ensure that all contractors received high quality, consistent inductions.
Previously the induction process had been dull, time consuming and complicated. Not all site personnel felt confident enough to deliver all aspects of the induction and as a consequence the audience received widely varying inductions depending on who was delivering them.
The site supervisor suggested that an induction DVD would help resolve this issue and suggested different chapters so that a contractor could view the section relevant to them.
Staff scripted, filmed, acted and produced the following sections:
• General site induction; • Contractor rules; • Isolation and lock off; • Hot work procedures; and • Vehicle operations.
The DVD incorporates film and still photography which helps bring the induction to life. A multiple choice questionnaire ensures that all contractors have understood the contents.
The DVD has been well received by contractors and similar DVD’s are now being developed at two other sites.