During 2016, Tarmac experienced an increasing number of incidents relating to deliveries to sites with high speed traffic. The investigations and reviews following the incidents indicated a gap in knowledge and awareness around the practices associated with deliveries to high speed type sites.
It was clear that the existing induction and driver skills course had failed to provide the level of awareness and application required to ensure that drivers made the correct decisions when delivering to high speed networks.
Tarmac decided to produce a video to be used during inductions and with large groups of hauliers and drivers to improve control. The plan was to produce a film based upon six key steps to safe delivery which included the loading, journey and arrival at site, liaison with site personnel and safe exiting from sites.
The six key stages of the process were prepared in a storyboard format and, over a number of weeks, footage was obtained both from Tarmac and customer sites. Both night and day deliveries were included, ensuring that the inherent risks associated with safe access to sites at night, such as lighting and visibility were captured. A range of vehicles were used to reflect the mix of vehicles delivering to high speed networks on a regular basis. All elements of the video were reviewed extensively and tested by the Tarmac logistics teams before the final version was released.
- Video is a major element of the haulier induction process
- Video seen by over 1000 drivers across the product lines
- Feedback from drivers exceptionally good
- Effective means of delivering key safety messages
- Video shared with other commercial partners
- Drivers and hauliers safer when delivering to HS networks
- Other operators and road users safer whilst working at HS networks.