FINALIST - Safer construction or contracting site
FM Conway Consultancy regularly came across situations where its stakeholders are unable to visualise what it was proposing, grasp the magnitude of clashes with other buried statutory undertaker’s equipment. In addition, they recognised that traditional design packs submitted to operatives, do not utilise the detailed and extensive information gained during the design process.
Working in inner London locations FMCC used Ground Penetrating Radar surveys (GPR) for many years, which provide a more accurate picture of the existing situation below the surface. Traditionally, FMCC combined this information into its design models, checked for clashes, made the appropriate design changes and then translated this to 2D drawings that formed part of its construction pack, and ultimately, would be issued to the site team.
The frustration for the in-house design team was knowing it had more information than it was able to incorporate into the design packs, and therefore it wasn’t easily accessible or usable for the build teams. Better information to site teams, would provide a mechanism to help mitigate strikes to buried utilities and therefore improve safety for operatives that needed to work in close proximity of buried utilities
Therefore, FMCC started to investigate better ways to transfer this information to both stakeholders during the design stage and to operatives during the construction stage.
Please watch the video to find out more.