D Wardle Plant Ltd operates and maintains a large fleet of heavy earthmoving equipment throughout the UK, predominantly in quarrying, and materials handling. The nature of our work is considered safety critical.
It had built up a number of simple QSHE systems and processes which work effectively for the business but wanted to improve the system by making the whole system accessible via mobile phones.
The mobile APP helps collect collate and deliver all of the key QSHE information from site back to HQ admin in real time, and then allows feedback to the site foreman, ensuring each week the company receives a full set of daily defect reports for mobile plant , toolbox talks, near misses and responses to them. The system also enables spot safety awards to be administered at site. If a new foreman covers holidays etc, they can see at a glance what’s happened on the contract.
This simple initiative practically eliminates missing defect reports and ensure all the stray items like fuel tanks and bunds, and welfare are checked weekly with just 6 focused questions, without the need for endless writing out of sometimes irrelevant checksheets.
It cuts out lost paperwork, postage costs , and stray emails as all sections are directed correctly, meaning safety related defects, as too near misses, are managed correctly, and cannot get lost.
With this work by 2025 sites will be paper free.