Topic 3 - Safer handling of materials - Highly Commended
London Concrete Bow receives on average 450t of cementitious powder per day. With the high level of traffic at our plant, over 350 vehicle movements per day, along with the potential risk of a dust emission blowing on to the A12 (The A12 Approach to the Blackwall Tunnel that carries 100,000 vehicles every day - Credit: Google) an environmental & safety site improvement plan had been conducted, this plan required an enclosure to be built to house two cement tanker deliveries. The concept is to protect drivers from the high volume of internal traffic, and to contain the tankers operating within a purpose-built containment shed that is complemented with dust suppression and a bespoke designed pressure monitoring and high-level system.
See additional pdf below for more information about what Aggregates Industry did to address these issues.