After washing down the truckmixer chute from the rear platform at the end of the day, an independent haulage contractor descended the ladder. On stepping down to the ground, the driver misjudged the floor level, lost his balance and fell, in doing so he fractured his wrist.
A review of the incident confirmed the following key findings
- Housekeeping and ground conditions were good
- The wash area was free from slurry
- There was good natural lighting in the area.
- The drivers PPE was in good order including his boots.
- The drivers had been inducted to site.
- The drivers CPC was up to date and he is in possession of MP Connect Card.
- Video evidence showed the driver was not rushing.
- The access ladder was in good order.
- The truck was clean and tidy with no defects.
- Monthly inspections of the truck are undertaken.
- The driver has 24 years experience.