A loaded articulated truck rolled over when it veered off the road onto the soft verge. The image shows the tyre tracks where the vehicle left the road.

The vehicle ended up on its side in the ditch at the side of the road.

No other vehicle was involved, and the driver was not injured.
Driver training
It was the driver’s first day solo after having spent his first week undergoing 2 days training and 3 days driving alongside the lead driver for the route. The induction specifically highlights the inherent risks associated with this stretch of road (soft verges). It was his 7th load of the day (8 planned). HGV license held since Sep-23.
Conditions and behaviour
- The driver was wearing his seat belt.
- He was not using his phone at the time.
- He was travelling at 46mph (50mph limit).
- Weather was dry, visibility good, the road was dry.
- The white line, indicating the side of the public road, had not been repainted following re-surfacing
- The police who attended did not have the equipment to do a drug or alcohol test.
- Post incident drug and alcohol testing was arranged for the following morning; the alcohol test was negative; however, the driver was reportedly unable to provide a urine sample for drug testing after 3 hours.
Warning signs
- Concerns had been raised earlier in the day about his driving, clipping a kerb and over correcting steering. Subsequently, his supervisor ‘stepped in’ and spoke with the driver prior to the incident.
- The lane departure system triggered earlier in the day.
- This is the 4th almost identical incident in the last 10 years on this regular route.