Two employees, carrying out a safety tour, entered a rail loading area and approached the location where the lever that operates the railway points is positioned. There was a roadstone train parked on the track, awaiting permission to leave the site. The employees spotted the point’s lever and thought that the area around the lever could be a trip hazard. At this moment one of them moved the lever, however they were unsure if their actions affected the points on the track, so they decided to move the lever again, whereupon the points did move, changing the track from one line to another. The employees tried to seek assistance, however at that moment the train pulled away, causing a number of wagons to derail from the track. The employees were on a planned health and safety tour to identify hazards across the site for discussion in the following health and safety committee meeting - Neither of the employees had any rail safety training and were not authorised to operate the lever. - All track inspections had been completed monthly, there is no evidence to show the points were faulty.