View Guidance
Title/Short DescriptionSourceSubjectDate
Respirable Crystalline Silica Monitoring Protocol - NePSi - June 2021

NePSi published an updated version of a Respirable Crystalline Silica Monitoring Protocol in June 2021

The main objective of this monitoring protocol is to provide a harmonized methodology to measure exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) of workers employed at member companies of the NEPSI signatories. The project aims to provide a common basic methodology to help those sectors who do not have a standardized monitoring methodology in place and enable these sectors to collect RCS exposure data in a harmonized and representative way.

Guidance is provided on measurement strategy, appropriate sampling and analytical methods, and data management.

The implementation of the protocol is not mandatory, but should be considered as guidance for the development of a dust and quartz monitoring programme within all NEPSI partners.

NePSiSilica and dust15/03/2022
Good Practice Guide - NePSi

The NEPSI Good Practice Guide provides practical information for industries working with materials containing crystalline silica to improve workers’ health protection progressively over time.

The guide provides a basic introduction to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) and more detailed information on dust control measures and management guidance for specific industries and tasks.  The Good Practice Guide is a comprehensive resource for employers and employees working in the silica industries, available online and downloadable for free:

NePSiSilica and dust15/03/2022
Fatal 6 - Guidance for drivers on RCS - QNJAC December 2019
QNJAC has produced some guidance for drivers in quarries on the control of dust -  Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS).
QNJACSilica and dust10/12/2019
View Good Practice
TitleVideoActivityType of LocationYearPrize
Automated concrete mixer cleaning innovation - improving operator safety and well-being. Topic 2   Maintenance & HousekeepingReadymix or mortar plant2024 N
Sustaining a high level of control for Respirable Crystalline Silica - Topic 7   Occupational HealthQuarry2024 N
Augmented Microsoft Hololens   Communications and information accessConstruction/delivery site2022 N
Recycling hopper redesign - Finalist   Maintenance & HousekeepingReadymix or mortar plant2022 N
Safer Together through behavioural change   Behavioural Safety managementCompany-wide2022 N
Stop work authority policy and stop work authority card   Risk managementCompany-wide2022 N
Creation of an Occupational Health and Wellbeing (OHWB) Learning Centre at 'The Park'   TrainingTraining Centre2021 N
HSEQ new HUB   Communications and information accessCompany-wide2021 N
Live PM10 monitoring   Occupational HealthQuarry2021 N
Professional Operator Development Programme (PODP)   TrainingTraining Centre2021 N
Telescopic connectors for stairs and landings   LiftingConstruction/delivery site2021 Y
The Big Ten in Ten   Risk managementCompany-wide2021 N
Dust suppression   Occupational HealthConcrete products plant2019 N
RCS reduction - WINNER   Occupational HealthCompany-wide2019 Y
Educating the workforce on silica and other work-related health issues   Occupational HealthCompany-wide2018 N
Vending machine for PPE   Occupational HealthConcrete products plant2018 N
Innovative vacuum system to reduce the risk of lung disease   Occupational Health 2017 Y
Gartshore laboratory extraction system   Occupational HealthLaboratory2016 N
Raising awareness and monitoring dust - real time dust camera   Occupational HealthCompany-wide2015 N
Reducing exposure to dust when road planing   Occupational HealthOn-Highway2015 N
“Stop dust before it stops you” - Animated training video   Occupational HealthCompany-wide2014 Y
View Hot Topics
Title/Short DescriptionSourceSubjectDate
Product Safety Alert - Italmecc Air Box 2100 Water Backed Booth

Italmecc Air Box 2100 Water Backed Booth LEV System. Product Safety Report:

Follow link to notice - Italmecc Air Box 2100 (2412-0024) - GOV.UK

Below is a summary but please see the notice for full details -


The product presents a high risk to health as it is not supplied with adequate instructions for installation, specifically, the requirement for ducting extracted air to outside. This is of particular concern when used to control dust generated by processing materials containing respirable crystalline silica (RCS).

Corrective action:

Italmecc S.R.L. have stopped supply in GB until the machine instructions are updated and brought into compliance. Users of these machines should ensure that they are ducted to outside when used to control exposure to substances hazardous to health, or use other equally effective measures.

Fatal 4 - HSE is inspecting manufacturing business where materials that contain silica are used

From October, HSE Inspectors will be visiting manufacturing business where materials such as stone, rocks, sand and clay are used. This will include: 

  • Brick and tile manufacturers 
  • Foundries  
  • Stone working  

Please see HSE bulletin that provides more information and links to guidance on control measures. 

Employers have a legal duty to put in place suitable arrangements to manage health and safety and ensure they comply with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH).

Inspectors will be checking that dutyholders know the risks associated with inhalation of RCS and have effective controls in place to keep workers safe and protect their respiratory health. 

 Please also see the Fatal 4 section on Safequarry

HSESilica and dust07/09/2022
HSE safety alert about respirators/masks which rely on ear loops.

HSE has issued a safety alert about how respirators/masks which rely on ear loops do not provide protection as tight fitting Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE).

HSEOccupational Health23/05/2022
Leading indicators of occupational safety and health for the UK Quarrying Industry

The guidance has been developed for the industry as part of improvement output from the Quarries National Joint Advisory Committee (QNJAC), with input from senior company OH&S managers, trade union and workforce representation. It considers a number of aspects of work where good performance in day-to-day operations should result in improved performance in trailing indicators such as accident rates. (Issued January 2018)

QNJACLeadership and workforce engagement17/04/2018
Safe working with precast products updated

This guidance note provides advice on minimising the risk to health from exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) when working with precast concrete products. Please review and share with you colleagues.

British Precastdust03/04/2017
HSE Publishes new Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS) health surveillance guidance

HSE has published new guidance on health surveillance for those exposed to respirable crystalline silica (RCS). Aimed principally at occupational health professionals, it will also be of interest to those with operations where there is exposure to RCS.

HSEOccupational Health07/08/2015
Stop Dust Before it Stops You

Comprising a series of quarry-based activities, this video features an animated quarryman who does everything wrong. The exploits of this hapless character are interspersed with high quality real-life sequences of how it should be done. Produced for the Quarries Partnership Team, the video emphasises how to avoid both the immediate and long-term adverse health effects of uncontrolled dust in the workplace and the consequences for a worker’s life.

HSESilica and dust27/01/2014
NEPSI Reporting on Respirable Crystalline Silica in 2014

REMINDER - The NEPSI Social Dialogue Agreement on Respirable Crytsalline Silica requires reporting between the 15th January and 14th March 2014. The industries covered by the agreement are listed below Aggregates; Cement; Ceramics; Expanded Clay; Foundries; Glass; Glass Fibre; Industrial Minerals; Mineral Wool; Mining; Mortar; Natural Stone; Pre-cast Concrete The attached note is a reminder of what is required and where more information can be found.

NePSiSilica and dust18/12/2013
NePSi Dust Monitoring Protocol

Are your 'dust monitoring costs' being wasted by employing cheap but unscientific 'scattergun' methods? If so, your company could be vulnerable to prosecution through lack of proof of compliance with the national Occupational Exposure Limit for Respirable Crystalline Silica. Annex 2 of the 2006 EU 'Silica' Social Dialogue Agreement comprises a DUST MONITORING PROTOCOL. At less than 2 pages, this good advice should be acted upon by all companies requiring to measure dust levels in the workplace. Adopting the recommendations of this Protocol ensures the generation of statistically valid evidence of dust monitoring, on which sound management and engineering controls can be based.

MPASilica and dust29/07/2012
View Incident Alerts
Incident No.TitleDateType of LocationActivity
01484Contractors exposed to particulates by using the wrong filters for their dust masks 23/05/2019Cement plantOccupational Health
View Resources
COVID 19 MPA Poster Keep a constant guard - Cartoon
Incident Alert Form - MPA MPA has created a simple word based form to help an organisation format and submit the key information normally included in an incident alert.
View Toolbox-Talks
NePSi - Good Practice Training Packs False Dust and SilicaNePSi2022
SME Toolkit - Good Practice Guide - NePSi False Dust and SilicaNePSi2022
View Videos
Automated concrete mixer cleaning innovation - improving operator safety and well-being. Topic 2 Maintenance & HousekeepingReadymix or mortar plant2024 N
Sustaining a high level of control for Respirable Crystalline Silica - Topic 7 Occupational HealthQuarry2024 N
Recycling hopper redesign - Finalist Maintenance & HousekeepingReadymix or mortar plant2022 N
Safer Together through behavioural change Behavioural Safety managementCompany-wide2022 N
Stop work authority policy and stop work authority card Risk managementCompany-wide2022 N
Augmented Microsoft Hololens Communications and information accessConstruction/delivery site2022 N
Innovative and affordable conveyor guarding solution Guarding and isolationQuarry2021 N
Telescopic connectors for stairs and landings LiftingConstruction/delivery site2021 Y
Creation of an Occupational Health and Wellbeing (OHWB) Learning Centre at 'The Park' TrainingTraining Centre2021 N
Live PM10 monitoring Occupational HealthQuarry2021 N
Professional Operator Development Programme (PODP) TrainingTraining Centre2021 N
The Big Ten in Ten Risk managementCompany-wide2021 N
HSEQ new HUB Communications and information accessCompany-wide2021 N
Dust suppression Occupational HealthConcrete products plant2019 N
RCS reduction - WINNER Occupational HealthCompany-wide2019 Y
Educating the workforce on silica and other work-related health issues Occupational HealthCompany-wide2018 N
CPI Mortars Ltd - Reducing the risk of lung disease through innovative vacuum system improvements Occupational HealthDust2017 Y
Innovative vacuum system to reduce the risk of lung disease Occupational Health 2017 Y
Raising awareness and monitoring dust - real time dust camera Occupational HealthCompany-wide2015 N
Reducing exposure to dust when road planing Occupational HealthOn-Highway2015 N
Raising dust awareness and monitoring/visualising dust levels - Sibelco Europe - Runner Up Occupational HealthDust2015 N
Reducing exposure to silica dust whilst road planing. Lafarge Tarmac - Runner Up Occupational HealthDust2015 N
Stop Dust Before It Stops You Occupational HealthDust2014 N
“Stop dust before it stops you” - Animated training video Occupational HealthCompany-wide2014 Y
Quarry Dust - are you in control - Video clip for presentaion - sanding with light Dust and Silica 2013 N
Quarry Dust - are you in control - video clip for presentation - sanding without light Dust and Silica 2013 N
Quarry Dust - are you in control - Silica routes of entry - Video including animation of effect on lungs Dust and Silica 2013 N
Don’t be a Dummy – Stone Dust Video Dust and Silica 2012 N
Dust and local exhaust ventilation PiMEx Video Laboratory work 2011 N
Dust and laboratory work PiMEx Video Laboratory work 2011 N
Dust and the crushing of minerals PiMEx video Crushing 2011 N
Dust and maintenance PiMEx Video Maintenance 2011 N
Dust water assisted dust suppression when cutting and grinding PiMEx Video Cutting and grinding 2011 N